
Sunday, August 19, 2007

My garden in 2007, one of my best efforts

These are the same places, different vantage points of my backyard. M took the first from her studio.

The second photo is the best I have done this year at trying to capture a wide view of the garden.

Tonight I got to this line in 1 Samuel 16: 7--
"Take no notice of his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him; God does not see as humans see; they look at appearances but Yahweh looks at the heart."

When I take the view from our second floor I see the places I have yet to fill. We have been here three years and each year we buy some more plants and the garden evolves. These empty places bring me angst. Am I looking like a human when I focus on the imperfections?

two brief conversations come to mind.

At church today our back from vacation rector jokingly asked if I had given them hell in my previous week's sermon. I said, "No, I gave them hope."

He said, "That's good. There is enough hell to go around." I agree, sermons don't have to make us feel guilty. I hope I didn't do that. The garden doesn't need my damnation either.

A few years ago, walking from the garden back to my classroom, a student says, "Mr. Stratz, I am either annoying you or I am making your day."

I said, "You are right. And I guess it is all up to me to decide which one it is."

Student: "Yes it is."

So, the garden can make my day or ruin my day. I will have to decide.

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