
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Peace be with you

In John Jesus appears in the locked room and before he gives the disciples their charge he says...

Peace Be With You.

and he says...

Peace Be With You.

these spiritual exercises are in everyday life...

Horticulture has seasons and I have emerged suddenly into the hectic pace of April. Things do get busier in March, but all of a sudden there was so much to do.

There may be some ways I give back my gift of being alive, and one is by having accepted the challenge of teaching special education. It works best when I carry that Peace, a full peace that goes beyond my understanding with me to my classroom.

It gets lost at times when I am feeling overwhelmed with trying to get everything done.

My students have performed well this week. The garden will be planted. It can be joyful. I can't make that a certainty, but by bringing peace, I can improve the odds. Oh yes, that charge given by Jesus... forgive.



  1. Peace be with you! Give my best to bring the mug!!

  2. I took my mug, hope you have yours.


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