
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

fresh and frozen

Life is good... a friend is someone who knows you well, or at least well enough that when you mock her, she laughs. It goes like this. Sunday at church she asks you for a gift of sorts. Monday night at Bible study you give her fresh rosemary, parsley and thyme. Tuesday night you run into her in the corner deli in our neighborhood (yes we have one) as she buys butter for the chicken pot pies. Wednesday, the phone takes you out of the studio, and you are offered a pot pie. In no time at all she is at your house and she dares to tell you that she used frozen veggies instead of fresh root vegetables. You say, "how could you have done that to my fresh herbs!"

there are more than one way to say thanks.

anyway, back to my after dinner snack. It is tasty.


  1. I could see myself doing that. I have fresh herbs in the garden but it isn't pea season and a frozen box of organic, petite peas comes in handy at times. Your herbs would not have suffered.

  2. Kathryn-- Oh, I use frozen veggies from time to time. less so in the summer, but it still didn't stop me from mocking my friend. The herb crust was amazing and carried the dish!


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