
Monday, December 29, 2008

eating out in Lansdale--- The Oasis

Settling down in Lansdale, PA... who would have thought! After living in college towns in MA, OR, and IL... I end up in a small working class town. But I think things have turned out well and so here is another promo for my new home town (of 12 years). This blog post may just be about the restaurant I have eaten at the most during my whole life. and why not... tasty. inexpensive. healthy. exotic.
First off it took us over a year to find this place, which we likely drove by as we went to eat falafel in a restaurant that did not last long in Harleysville. It is on the first floor of a four square house at 821 West main street between Charles Cleaners and Lansdale Pizza. I went with camera in hand last week and splurged a bit so I could have lots of photos.

Mosaic Woman and I are water drinkers 90% of the time we eat out, but his ice tea is amazing. Fresh fruit and mint! When I say he, I mean the owner, who greets you, waits on you, cooks for you, and cleans up for you after you pay him. Go on a weeknight and he may be the only worker. Go for 8 years and he becomes part of your life.

Soup... Mosaic Woman starts the majority of her meals with this one. Fasoulada is heavy on garlic and one of the few soups I have come across with pinto beans. Two types of lentil soups are frequently ordered by myself.

Sandwiches... I have worked my way through the entire list but here is my highly favored one. Chicken Shawarma! He also makes versions with eggplant and one with london broil.

Now do yourself a favor, when he asks if you want sweets, say, "Yes" at least once. The man will bring a tray of middle eastern pastries and plop it down on your table and walk away. He knows what is missing when he comes back for it later. I ordered some Turkish coffee and walked over to the home of the deserts and chose a piece of nammoura (cake like pastry dipped in honey syrrup).
And finally let me add... this is a great place for vegetarians like Mosaic Woman.


  1. Shawarma is one of my favorites. That restaurant sounds wonderful!

  2. I haave always been a lover of vegetables and that soup sounds delicious!...

  3. Mmmm, I bet they have good falafel too. Our favorite Middle Eastern restaurant closed recently,and this reminds me that we need to look for another one!

  4. All--- wish we could all meet there and have a feast. I just added some more details... including the name and description of the dessert. It was such a hardship to eat more than I usually would. I did pass on some wonderful appetizers including what he calls Cauliflower Delight.

  5. I tried the falafel at palermo's pizza near the Peddler Bike shop - amazing! I have covered lots of mexican and will be having ethiopian tomorrow. In fact, I might get a cooking lesson from an Ethiopian friend of my sister's next summer...I will share with you kit alitcha and yatakir wot in July on the porch. Miss the snow - its 75 and sunny here!

  6. How wonderful to know that there are hidden treasures so close to home! I will, no doubt, check this place out and let the owner know who sent me!
    MSKelm: No bragging please!!!!

  7. msklem--- But I am sure the windchill is way colder there... you know that Texas windchill factor. How are those Dallas fans doing? I have been to Palmero's but never had the falafel.

    Giggles--- do check it out, I plan to be there on Sunday.

  8. As a new member to the community, I was curious about this place. Your blog has convinced me to try it out. With two young boys at home, I'm curious if he would offer a take out option so my wife and I can have a dinner at home after the kids go to bed.

  9. You can get take out at the Oasis. Hope you like it. did you see my recent post about other places to dine in Lansdale...


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