
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gratitude 3

I am blessed... color vision, glass, macro photography and the love of a good woman, who asked me to document her mosaics...

mosaic macro 6

mosaic macro 5

mosaic macro 3

mosaic macro 4

mosaic macro 2



  1. wonders!! I love the last...

    and am still praying under what Mosaic Woman's hands made last year.

    (And thanks for the directions to hot water...though I usually manage to get into it all on my own!)

  2. Michelle--- My goal is to get one of her mosaics into everybody's hands... (I want to retire already)

    anyway, no problems with the directions. do you know where the pool table is???

  3. Is the third one the same as the last one just a different angle and lighting? They are all beautiful but that bluish-purple is amazing.

    P.S. You're too young to retire.

  4., where is the pool table!? (Clearly I spend way too much time outside or on my knees when I'm there....)

    Do you know where the crypt is?

  5. Kathryn--- they are from 6 different mosaics. those two are radically different in the whole. Too young, oh yeah how would I survive a life of faith... glass, gardens, cooking, jazz, books, movies, and volunteerism. Your right, I could never fill in those missing work hours.

    Michelle--- I have had silent games of pool... now how cool is that! anyway, when entering the auditorium where worship takes place on week days, there is a door in the back right corner that will lead you to jig saw puzzles (they used to be elsewhere, now I shoot pool while others partake in that activity), exercise equipment, and the pool table.

    crypt? hmmm. not sure???? pool table sounds like more fun.

    where do they hide that ice cream cart when dinner is not being served?

  6. Wow!! I wanna go where Michelle is-sounds like way more fun than I am having! (Also, not what I had in mind for "spirtual direction???!!!")

  7. Beautiful. Beautiful. Be-yoo-ti-ful...

  8. I think another artistic outlet would be your photos - perhaps an added touch to the booth! I want the first one - framed on a wall somewhere in my house where I can see it early on the morning. Hmm - how about the other mosaic that keeps me going...

  9. Giggles--- the idea is to have moments of rest because the work can be intense.

    Jim--- thanks, thanks...

    Msklem--- slow down... is that possible???? ;')

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. LOL about filling the hours. I could fill any day at least four to five times over and generally try.

    Thanks for the additional info on the mosaics. They are beautiful!


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