
Thursday, December 11, 2008

introducing Mosaic Woman

Mosaic Woman has re-entered the world of blogging. It has not been an easy journey, but the desire to have a a website with her name on which she can eventually sell mosaics got her moving again. Those of you who have been journeying with me here in the land of Stratoz are on a first name basis with her, well some of you are known as a twist of your blog name around here...

She is going to be writing about her experience with art, other and her own, and maybe even me at some point in time. So check out Mosaic Woman's website and feel free to say howdy.


  1. Wow - it's a beautiful setup. Did the show go well for you?

    Off to check out Mosaic Woman's website.

  2. Kathryn--- we came close to making a goal I had set for the two shows. Enough to pay off some of the debt we have from buying those "walls" for our booth, buy supplies for more crafting, feed ourselves both weekends, and plan a jazz get-away over Christmas break.

  3. Amazing...I wish you both success, creatively and financially!

  4. Kievas--- thanks. some times I am awed by the number of items we have sold already.


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