
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

99 pieces of glass, pick one up, 98 pieces to foil

There must be a better way to look at this step in the process of completing the epic stained glass project. and this drinking song needs to leave my head, so I listen to this...


  1. Well, ok, now...thanks.... While "You are Loved" is a beautiful song, the former is firmly lodged.... I'm making up new words as I write....

  2. Giggles--- yes, if I was one who confessed his sins, I would have to say that passing on a song stuck in one's head but need to be confessed.

    sorry. Victoria Williams is way hip and it was cool to see she had been on Leno. search U-tube and you can find a rather funky video for the same song.

  3. foiling is why god made reality tv.

  4. msklem--- your theology is so bad. ;')


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