
Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Heart for Valentine's 2009

My last four hearts were done on an old design, so it was time for something new...

to see all of our hearts stop by our ETSY shop. I have started cutting out pieces for a second one using this design. This time the perimeter glass will not be used at all in the center. Will be interesting to see how that affects the design.
Maybe time for one more design, I was working on one and it only came close to being "good enough." It will be more in the flame like design of my burning bushes mandalas... branching out from the bottom.
though I rarely think to ask... your input is most valuable and always appreciated.


  1. It looks like a rose within the heart. I like it. Mary is the rose of the church. Kinda cool how it all ties together.

  2. msklem--- if I had thought of it I could have tied it myself. thanks.


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