
Thursday, February 19, 2009


ask me about my Wednesday...

a leg cramp woke me...
students in crisis mode...
me, yes me screwing up the labeling of seeds we planted
90 minutes in a dental chair...
paying for those 90 minutes...
eating gruel for dinner...

but that would be only half...

the vibe playing of Milt Jackson...
having a hoot planting pepper seeds...
a household budget that has a fund to pay for medical emergencies...
a dental hygienist who happens to know my assistant, who I say is a wonderful person...
the love of a good woman...

tonight I randomly pull out a cassette and listen to February. It may be the roughest month for me.


  1. Lucky you. Really. And February's almost over!

  2. Sounds like, minus the dentist, our Wednesdays were about the same. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes he eats you...and, as a little girl once told me: "Sometimes he ain't even hungry".....

  3. I guess I got all the good karma yesterday...I'll try and share more often :)

  4. Beautiful song and interesting meditation on February. I'm glad it is the shortest month - among other things, I ran out of gas in subzero wind chills tonight. I will take a lesson and try to find more things for which I should be grateful.

    The glacier receded this week in my yard and I saw the hint of a garden. There was arugula - yes, really, under the snow - poppies, the tips of bulbs trying to find spring.

    Hope your tooth (teeth?) is better!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Giggles--- Ahhh, but if I added that I also cut myself in my studio, would I still be lucky?

    Jim--- I love that!!!!

    MsKlem--- you do share.

    Kathryn-- On Monday I will have to take a look at the arugula be at the school. I have yet to run out of gas... not a risk taker.


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