
Saturday, February 14, 2009

one word stays in my head

Imagine you are a knitter...
You go to your knitting group one week and tell your friends, including one who makes mosaics, about your 19 year old son. He has juvenile diabetes and has been refusing to wear medical tags. Your voice is filled with love and concern. A week later you are not at the knitting group. Your son went to bed and never woke up.
I come home from yoga and ask Mosaic Woman how knitting group went. She tells me.
One word keeps circulating through my thoughts.... enough.
Last night I watch people, who survived their younger days, play jazz. Two black violinists, an Asian pianist, and a Russian bass player named Boris get my attention.
But it is Doc Gibbs standing in the midst of his percussion that has me thinking about communicating with God. It was too late last night. Too early right now.


  1. Aaaaaaaawww man........ so sorry....

  2. Oh.

    Is this whole world filled with empty spaces where young people just were?

    I am so very sorry.

  3. Giggles-- thanks

    Gannet Girl--- Yes. However, I also sat at the concert grateful that music just may have helped lead to the survival of musicians, who like us are filled with joy and sadness, playing beautiful music.

  4. So sorry to hear of such loss, my friend; and yet we lose them in more ways than one. We go again to the Detention Center tomorrow morning, hopefully to share life with some who haven't known much thus far....

  5. Enough. That is the word, for sure. One is too many.


  6. Enough or too much - either works. I will keep this woman in my thoughts and prayers too. So much pain.

    I once read that having children is like having your heart walk around outside your body. The words that associate with that image are vulnerable and dangerous. I think I'm going to give my boys a hug - I'll blame it on Valentine's Day but I'll be thinking of those mothers who are coping with unimaginable grief.

  7. Kathryn says it well - hearts outside the body. I'll keep that image with me for a long time.

    I spent two hours in drug training on Friday knowing full well that a fairly large percentage of my students are addicts. How to protect my own kids? How to help my students?

    What about the kids that go through life as empty spaces? No one notices them - when they are there or when they are gone. How often does a kid vanish from our classes? If they are a disruption then we're happy they're gone. If they're quiet it might cross our mind, but do we do anything? I'm off to the detention center next week - to visit a student. Why? Because.

  8. Jim--- My job before this one was a place where we sent reports to case managers, not parents.

    Mich--- I wonder why it took so long for the word to come, or maybe it just keeps getting louder.

    Kathryn--- I hope you got those hugs

    msklem--- I know that feeling of being glad a student is gone. It comes around less frequently these days. it is not one that is comfortable to express. I once had a horticulture student that knocked plants off of shelves. rule number one--- if you don't care about the plants, change or get out.


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