
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

24 hours our style---- no explosions but really big botanical dates

Since we quit watching TV, word on the street tells me that there is a show called 24 hours. Seeing Mosaic Woman needed a break from craft show delirium, I dragged her on two big botanical dates.
Friday afternoon/night we took the train to Philly to see the big Flower Show (an eat Burmese food at Rangoon)...
see my post over at my other blog to see succulents that caught my eye
to see one souvenir see this post
Then Saturday we went out to see the orchid extravaganza...
happening at Longwood Gardens. Ten degrees on Wednesday morning, 70 degrees on Saturday had my nervous system in a twitter, so I grabbed onto this beech for stability and to stretch my shoulder....

the shoulder is happier and recognizing the fact that healing is no direct line, but like life is a roller coaster.


  1. Stratoz, you and I were at Longwood on the same day! Maybe at the same time!

    Remarkable. And I'm so glad you enjoyed your botanical dates. (As lovely as the orchid extravaganza was, my favorite part of the day was seeing the bloming crocus and witch hazel... spring is COMING!)

  2. Giggles-- yes indeedy

    Mrs. M--- good to hear from you. I tried to get some shots of the witch hazel but none were that great. How about those yellow stemmed dogwoods? very hip.

  3. It's good to read a man who is so enjoying the journey.....

  4. Jim-- I try, just need to keep riding this roller coaster into the mystery

  5. That garden is totally on my list of "gardens to see... asap!" Glad you had a good time.

    Re: Your discussions with your students (as you mentioned on my "We are what we eat?" post)... I saw your comment directly after reading my "quotes of the day" email, in which today's theme was quotes from Albert Einstein. So there was a mental connection for me between your comment and this AE quote, which I thought you would enjoy: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." :)

    p.s. Thanks for the link to learning... been a busy week but I hope to have some time to explore that during this coming week!

  6. Blackswamp Girl--- love the quote. Thanks.


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