
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

heating pad blessings

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with life, so as I warm up... let me count my blessings.

all the friends who look down at the crocus and the Siberian irises at my school and say.... Your flowers are beautiful.

Mosaic Woman saying ... Thanks. for She is truly grateful that I do these craft shows with her.

Friend #1 who says, "come over for dinner." and even though you could be doing a billion other things you go and enjoy the sauce even if you mock it for the lack of dried chilies.

Friend #2 who shows up at my classroom door with a tupperware of amazing food, and then says... it is for your lovely wife even though it is also for you.

Friends number 3-5... who made me laugh last night but are not moving to NC.

Friends 6-7... who last night also made me laugh and said relax, we are coming back for that fig tree.

The students, who chose bread over seedlings so that friend #8 could take bread home to her husband last night.

Friend number 9 who at a staff meeting, upon hearing our new boss went home sick and knew I was to have been observed that morning said " Yeah, Stratoz's teaching makes us all ill."

OK... time to stretch.


  1. Glad to see we made up to the top of your list. I'd be glad to send some little hands to weed whenever you want the help!!!

  2. No wonder the two of you gave up watching television. Whenever would you do it?....

  3. A lively bunch of friends Stratoz. I especially delighted in friend #2's offering and comment.

  4. Ms Klem--- don't let it get to your head.

    Jim--- just back from an incredible concert. nice to take a break from everything that has been keeping us busy.

    Beryl--- I so thanked her today for the tasty food. It was nice of M to share with me

  5. I think that it is funny that you were worried about our fig, when you are America's next top horticulturalist. Do you have plans for a road trip? We miss you already, but God has a sense of humor- the first neighbor top stop by and say hi was "Wayne:)"

  6. Hey Joy--- Glad you have a "Wayne" in your life in NC. There aren't many of us. What will I do when I am healthy enough to do a downward dog?


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