
Monday, July 20, 2009

Mosaic Woman is preparing for Delaware

The Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen are having their summer show out of state again this year. And again I will not be selling my glass, but Mosaic Woman (Margaret Almon) is doing it a bit differently. Last year she was part of a group booth, this year she is having her own space at the show, space #422 to be precise. I will be there without my glass doing some grunt work, but I am thinking of finding a nice place to sit with my new Physics book and getting some reading in for this fall, but I will take some turns in the booth so she can take breaks.

The show is just off of Route 95 in Wilmington, Delaware on the 25th and 26th of July. It is a top notch show and we will have to have some self-control not to be bringing home lots of other craft work. As always, it is way cool when friends and family stop by such an event. Have a great weekend and send positive energy towards Mosaic Woman.


  1. sending positive vibes....cannot come...and sad about that....

    Keep us posted on upcoming shows? (Appreciate the postcard, too! Nice touch....)

  2. not fair...want more...must resist....

  3. Giggles--- surely will keep you posted. Thanks for those vibes.

    Ms Klem--- that cat photo has got to go, and don't you need to stock up on Delaware beverages? Oh, sorry, you didn't want to be given more reason to come to the show.

  4. Good luck with that self-control and with the show!

  5. I am drawn to the first of your pictures, preferring the beauty there in its random placing rather than the design set forth in the others. All are nice, of course, but I've always been the one who has to "mark" my creations apart from everyone else's....

  6. Kathryn--- there is always some self-control. thanks for the thoughts.

    Jim--- you have always been a big fan of our art and we appreciate getting your feedback.

  7. Stratoz, is that second photo a picture of a stained glass trivet? If so... wow! I have a huge soft spot for functional artwork, and am now imagining a whole line of stained glass trivets dancing across my kitchen window when not in use. (Is that possible? Wouldn't the heat from a pan ruin the mortar? If not... I am swooning at the possibilities!)

    By the way, have we seen YOUR glass work before? If so, I know it hasn't been nearly as often as the mosaics... might be time for a little show and tell, while you're staying out of the sunshine anyway. ;)

  8. Blackswamp Girl--- they are trivets. The wood is the main concern not the glass or grout. They are functional as long as you don't put extremely hot pots on them.

    we will gladly sell you several if you don't have the time to make them...

    as for my stained glass, I was thinking I had been showing lots lately. The orange five pointed star, The HOPE piece, and the piece for my friend Kathryn all since July 14th.


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