
Friday, March 26, 2010

a day we knew was headed our way...

We all know those hours where productivity drops in work places, but yesterday I was being productive. Fueled by the desire to share some of the ideas that flowed into me at the NTSA conference, I was typing an e-mail when a friend walked in to share some other news. We knew it was coming but when layoffs have names attached to them...

I wish I could say that all the names touched my heart the same. It is not that I was glad that some folk had gotten a pink slip as of June, however, some names caused more sadness.

So we live in uncertainty not knowing what other names will be added to the list.

and I try to remember this... it could be a blessing either way. I am where I am now because I was laid off. It led to a new life filled with all kinds of blessings.

For weeks I have been hearing friends say they couldn't wait for this day. The day before spring break. Here we go.


  1. Sounds as though you are "safe" for the moment?

    Sad, but yes, taking the lemonade with ice cubes can be found to be refreshing.... Here's hoping....

  2. Giggles--- Friday was a long day as the list of names slowly grew larger... still don't know what is true in the names I heard. No one wanted the phone to ring... for now I still have my gig.

  3. Easy for me to speak of resting in His assurance, but I also well know that, when the foundation beneath our feet begins to shake, faith is never quite sure what, in His wisdom, "resting in His assurance" might have to face. I, too, hope for the best and will give mention of the situation in my paryers..........

  4. Jim--- easy for me to sit back and see where a disruption led to and be grateful for the opportunity that led to the change. I also remember the anxiety of wondering when and where the next job would come

  5. A quiet meaningful post. We move with uncertainty within the realm of miracle.

  6. I can't imagine the waiting and wondering. But the positive is you could always hang out at our house and eat bonbons with Mark...

  7. Beryl and Staci... after the last 6 hours, job security is the least of my concerns. what a hellish night.

  8. Yes, the night put the day into perspective, didn't it?


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