
Monday, March 1, 2010

Maybe this can entice you... Bause-Landry caters the Owen J Roberts Craft Show

Maybe you need one more push to come meet and visit with Mosaic Woman and myself at this weekend's show.


Craft show food is what we get, unless we pack our own lunches, well in most cases. One of the benefits of doing the shows together is we get to take lunch breaks from the booth, and if the show is close to a restaurant or deli that looks enticing... some fresh air, a walk, and a tasty lunch can fuel you to get to the end of the day. Talicaro's Sandwich Shop in Boyertown proved to be such a place.

Most shows will offer up something we desire to eat. The Kimberton Waldorf show was the first which had organic food in one building and a huge selection of home made desserts with coffee in another. Can it get better? One can only hope.

So we were interested to research the named caterers for the Owen J Roberts show. Bause-Landry is an operation of three graduates of the Culinary Institute of America. So if seeing the creations by the hands of 80 talented crafting folk has you leaning... and if the chance to see our wonder booth of glass has you pondering.... then what about lunch?

I am always up for sharing a meal with a friend.

We are Nutmeg Designs.

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