
Sunday, May 9, 2010

change of heart... pancakes and church camps can do that

The organizer of Summerfest at Men-O-Lan queried us about having our craft at the event. For the past few years we have not ventured into outdoor shows. Payout money and then have to worry about the weather seemed to be the main reason I would give for why we did not do them.

Mosaic Woman was checking out the show and she said it was in support of a youth camp run by local Mennonites and that we would get a free pancake breakfast. So here we are with a tent, a list of shows we hope to do this summer, and lots of hope for good weather.

I ate plenty of mom made pancakes as a child, but I never went to church camp until I became an adult. Mensch Mill fills up with youth from local UCC churches every summer, but in October the adults come out to the Walking With God retreats. I have missed a few during the past 13 years, but have made it to most. Over the years I have heard memories from others on retreat about being at Mensch as children. Seeds are planted at these camps. Never can be sure what will happen in the future, but planting the seeds comes first.

So come early for the pancakes, check out the crafts, and support camp Men-O-Lan on May 22nd where I will be selling my new crosses...


  1. The kids here are already raising money for the yearly summer camp. I still visit the night services on occasion, although much has changed over the years.....

  2. You do such beautiful work! Just lovely. It's funny, but I never went to church camp until I became an adult and volunteered to help. It was wonderful to watch that change of heart unfold--even weeks or months later.

  3. Jim--- I hope they raise the funds they are hoping for

    walk2write--- thanks, hope we all get to go to camp again.


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