
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Going Deeper... inviting friends to dinner

Us introverts often sit silently at meetings and plan out what we want to say in our head, while the extroverts think out loud and then turn to us and say, "you have been quiet."

I have been thinking about a good friend all day and how as the rest of us have moaned about the heat and humidity, she has been living in unexpected silence. And as she follows doctor's orders and the sound of this universe does not enter inter her being, ... well try to imagine it and you will get some sense of how it feels.

I am haunted by the thought of missing music, Mosaic Woman's voice, the calls of birds, and my friends who desire to say kind things to me. I want to bring my friend joy. I did what I could when I sat next to her after church this morning, all the while feeling helpless.

A few weeks back we were going to meet up for Greek food, but the place was closed so we walked a few hundred extra steps for Thai. This morning before church I thought about my blog from last night and thought it would be cool to have this family over for Greek food.

But being with friends is painful for her and all I can think of is a goof-ass solution or two. We can eat as I do at Wernersville... silently. Or I can turn the jazz up so loud that none of us can hear each other.

For now I will go sit and pray and imagine an undesired silence and throw some of this out into the world...

Going deeper from this post


  1. there are more than those 2 soutions, my friend. you can be there as you were today, in silence, love & prayer.

    it will get better and life will resume it's course but for now, the isolation is both physical & mental. being w/friends & loved ones is difficult & painful because it makes the loss more keenly felt. so the best that can be done is prayer & more prayer -- for strength, guidance, healing and yes, patience.

  2. You have such a big heart, Wayne; I'm wondering why so long before coming to Him? to church? Then, again, listen to me: I was thirty before finding Him there in my living room....

  3. Red... lets us know when you are up for the Greek Feast and we will make it for your clan.

    Jim... the heart needed some melting. It was rather frigid and stoic. for all things there is a time.

  4. thoughts and prayers for all....


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