
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jazz in the classroom... Moanin' with trinomials

It was the last week of summer school, a play, some absences, and a bit of this and that had my math class down to two students. I sat down between them and decided to teach them how to factor trinomials. They were getting it and were working independently when one let out a large moan.

"Why did you moan?"

"I didn't moan"

"When was the last time you lied to me?"

Then the jazz switch went off in my brain and I was talking jazz, and Art Blakey and jazz messengers, and Bennie Golson setting up an all Philly band and within 30 seconds, the room was jamming and factoring.


  1. Excellent! But what happened to wordless Wednesday?

  2. Like Roseanne Roseannadanna.... never mind! I just didn't look far enough. LOL

  3. thanks, it was an excellent moment


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