
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jazz on Tuesdays--- Sunna's blessing and a question

Posting something on Twitter is a passing thought. I can put a link to a piece of our craft and within a minute 20 + folk will check it out. Then nothing. So it was quite a pleasant surprise to find a tweet from Sunna Gunnlaugs today.

I had sent a inquiry about songs folk see as blessings. And apparently Sunna has been thinking about it. Her response reminded me of an evening of live music when Mosaic Woman and I were introduced to the sacred music of Duke Ellington.

YouTube won't let me embed the video, but hopefully you are curious enough to click here.

what song is a blessing to you?

1 comment:

  1. The thing about tweeting and blogging is that you never quite know how many people you are reaching. Things you say may linger with people and when you think nobody is "listening" you'll get a response out of the blue.
    I was listening to the Second Sacred Concert and as always being totally blown away by Mahalia Jackson singing this tune Come Sunday... and then I thought of you.


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