
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Seven On Saturday... Verdant among us

Verdant mineral:

47  37/365  Verdant Mineral... Malachite with Azurite

Verdant eyes:

what a face!

Verdant roofing:

Rock garden roof

Verdant painter's tape:

GROUT--- it takes courage

Hydroponic Verdant:

47--- 13/365   Jett's Hydroponic Lettuce

Verdant Piano:

Dale Chihuly piano

Verdant Weed:

Jimson weed bud.... datura


  1. Love the mantis - how in the world did you get that shot?

  2. G R E E N Is The C O L O R
    Soothing To The E Y E
    Interesting Series
    Me Heart :)

  3. That last is too beautiful to be a weed!

  4. Very well done! Is it malachite, the first pic? Green is that middle child in the spectrum but definitely not a problem. It's one of my favorites.

  5. These verdant images are so wonderful, but that mantis!!! The eyes are incredible!

  6. All--- I am imagining all kinds of seven things to celebrate on Saturdays. Glad this one brought joy and wonder. As for the mantis, I took a ton of photos with my camera, which is nothing special but is rather decent with macro shots. Walk2Write, I was rather impressed, but then I remembered your husband's job, so the fact that you did not say, "Malachite with Azurite," is a bit disappointing :')


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