
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jazz on Tuesdays... collaborating with Margaret and also The Jason Parker Quartet

When it comes to our signs, I have done words that resonate within myself: Hope, Joy, Garden, and now Jazz. Mosaic Woman, who has to approve my lettering design, works with me to choose a color for the letters and then I cut and grind them into shape. I hand them over and we talk backgrounds and I step away from the mosaic studio, which is OK, because that places me in my studio.

On Twitter I have become friends with a great jazz trumpet player, Jason Parker and finally bought No More, No Less last week. When I threw a tweet his way saying how much I loved his music, he sent tweets of thanks and also a tweet announcing his Kickstarter project to record the music of Nick Drake. We decided to throw some support his way and encourage you to get to know Jason, his already recorded music, and his artistic hopes. Like I said, I dig Hope, Joy, and Jazz; and as far as I know Jason has nothing against gardens.


  1. Hi Mosaic Woman and Wayne:

    I ♥ this creation! Very nice.

    It is cool that you have discovered and enjoy JPQ's music. YAY!

  2. Donna, the bizarre thing is this Jason was a DJ at a great radio station we listened to while we lived in Oregon. somehow it came up in a tweet conversation. That was 1990-92. Glad you like the design.


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