
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Seven on Sunday: Houses

Yesterday Mosaic Woman and I went to find some glass to cut up and place into the 25 picture frames she was commissioned to make. One source is to find a cheap frame at a thrift store. Yesterday we found one which framed these words:

And if you be unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15

2. I am sure if I read what surrounded this verse it may change my impression, but for now I like the openness of what this one verse expresses. As for me, who or what we choose to serve is not as important as what that decision leads us into and how we respond once we get there.

3. I live in a one bedroom two studio house. We are beginning to wonder why we sleep in the largest of the three.

4. The houses that caught fire last March. Two of the five have been inhabited once again. Finally the other three are being reborn. These construction dudes are showing up when I leave for work and are wrapping things up after I get home. I would be so cold and tired. I hope they have warm houses to go home to when their work is done.

5. The house of our dreams would be a Craftsman with funky paint on the outside and amazing woodwork inside:

6. From one of my favorite CD's, jazz singer Jon Hendricks takes on a Gospel classic:

House comes to us from an Old English word, hus, meaning dwelling, shelter, house.


  1. I'm with you on the dreamhouse. Arts and Crafts houses are just lovely.

  2. Enjoyed the pics and the gospel tune (one I've never heard before, actually). As for my thoughts on your verse of Scripture, it all comes down to each of us, ourselves, becoming "His" house to the best of our ability....

  3. Di--- you may enjoy visiting this house---

    Jim--- Thanks for the visit


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