
Friday, April 8, 2011

Shockingly, G is for GLASS

47  158/365  what the glass asked to become

1. the blue-green glass that called out to be a mosaic got some wonderful compliments during the spring shows ~ more mandalas in my shop

2. Glass City Jazz:

3. Mosaic Woman's highly favored Glass... G is for Gold Smalti

4. Our Favorite Museum: Hate to shock you again, but we dig The Corning Museum of Glass where you can see:

glass mosaic of Theodore Roosevelt-- closer yet

Lino's Spirale, 1994

Tiffany at Corning

Maria Lugossy Cosmic Dream 1

5. Recently I taught my students about how the natural resources of the state influenced its development. One mentioned locale: Pittsburgh became king of glass by the 1800's because of the right type of sandstone and plenty of cheap fuel to transform it into glass.

6. Can I talk about glass without saying: Youghiogheny?

Nope. Which by the way is also the name of one of the best white water rafting locations in PA.

7. and why we call our newsletter (sign up here) No Bare Feet:

no bare feet


  1. I found you through A to Z challenge.

    I love glass. I started crafting glass last summer. Just finished putting in a studio.
    Your designs are beautiful!

  2. Lovely post. I love the green design and all the wonderful glass links in this post...what a fantastic mosaic portrait!

  3. Joyce--- it has been a hoot and I too have stumbled upon many a blogger since it started. Thanks for the visit.

    Lynn--- had some serious looks at the craft shows. I have hope that it will find a new home.


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