
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: J is for John and Jesus at the Jordan

home of the wordless


  1. The water on this is especially beautiful.

  2. Valerie, Carrie, Di --- Thanks! I sat in a new location on Sunday and it caught my eye, so I visited after the service with my camera. as for the new location... I got to church late and the general area I dig was full.

  3. i sit across from this window most sundays while acolyting or chalicing during the service so i've had plenty of time to ponder it.

    the light catches it at different angles each week and my eye is drawn to different aspects to contemplate. but i keep coming back to the same thought: what must those folks also captured in that stained glass have thought of that moment? what emotions went through them?

    one of the aspects of our church that i respect most is the wonderful combination of traditional and contemporary, from our seating to our liturgy to our stained glass windows. thanks for reflecting that in recent posts.

  4. Red--- thanks for the comment. I may have to move about the church to get new views from time to time. But you can keep your seat.

  5. a guest pastor of ours suggested we all go crazy and warm a different seat for sunday service ... most awesome photos

  6. The details in that swirl of (glass) water are completely amazing. I keep getting lost in them. I would definitely have to sit on the other side of the aisle if they were in my church! :)

  7. Sonya--- Thanks for the visit. Growing up my parents always took us to the same pew. Its a family tradition.

    Blackswamp Girl--- The water one my be my favorite too. It is the one I featured at my flickr site.

  8. Thanks for stopping by! Go B's (sorry, couldn't resist...)!

  9. I like the way you took it apart for us. Each portion of the window on its own adds a new dimension to the whole.

  10. Nichole--- Thanks for the visit, and your B's can go as far as they want until they travel south to Philly

    walk2write--- Thanks. I was pleased to see that so many of the parts came out well when I downloaded the photos.

  11. Marvelous photos, incredible detail. And perfect J! Love this WW!


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