
Friday, July 15, 2011

Precious: Ellla's Dress, Ella's Duke

A year ago I took this photo of a dress worn by Ella Fitzgerald in 1977. I knew that just like the trumpet of Miles Davis, one day it would introduce a blog featuring her music. A few weeks ago I came across Ella's The Duke Ellington Songbook at a local library. Here are a few of the tunes...


Satin Doll

Just A-Sittin' and A-Rockin'

Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me


  1. Very nice :-) "Satin Doll" has always been a favorite of mine. I am smiling. Thank you.

  2. There's just no one like Ella! I never grow tired of listening to her. Thanks for sharing these. I love the dress too :^)

  3. I always thought that if Billie was who you should listen to when your heart was broken, Ella was who you should play when you're giddy and in love... can't wait to hear these tunes on my good speakers. :)

  4. Kwee. Always nice to bring a smile. Found Satin Doll last. Put it first.

    Valerie. I especially love this time period of her career.

    Blakswamp Girl. So glad you will treat your speakers with Ella's voice


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