
Monday, July 25, 2011

Vlog: a return to the spiritual

I used to be a spiritual blogging fool, but not so much these days, but a sermon on Sunday by my friend Deborah Darlington, my grandma's quilt, a favored hymn, and several in process mosaics...


  1. I particularly liked "The Kingdom of God is like an unexpected phone call that calls you in to the joy of the caller." I think that I watched it three times. It was a wonderful reminder of God's love and also a bit of respite from my hectic day. Thanks, Wayne.

  2. Excellent video, Wayne! I see that great talent runs in the family.

    By the way, what were the theories as to why the screaming neighbor suddenly found peace?

  3. Valerie--- Thanks for the kind words and taking the time during a hectic day to watch the video and leave a comment.

    Walk2write--- thanks. Therapy and blessed by an angel topped the list of theories.

  4. I like these videos you make. I enjoy watching your work in progress, and tying it into the spiritual life. One thought, do with it whatever you like, of course, but I found the music with words a bit distracting from reading your words. If the music had been instrumental, I feel the accompaniment would help me focus on yours. I love that chorus, by the way, one of the ones I used to sing in church, and it stays with me as a simple rendering of scripture.

  5. Ruth, thanks for taking the time to watch the video and to give me some feedback. I will keep that in mind. As I was thinking about the words to go with the different projects, the hymn popped into my head. Sometimes in our desire to share everything we love, we share too much at once.


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