
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mosaic: Terri Lyne Carrington and the great women of jazz

47  277/365  Margaret's 2nd Rainbow Mandala

Just like Mosaic Woman's ability to bring a multitude of glass into one mosaic, Terri Lyne Carrington has created a mosaic by inviting an amazing collection of women to play along with her on her latest CD. Including these women who we are blessed to have seen in concert: Geri Allen, Anat Cohen, Ingrid Jensen, Dianne Reeves, and Helen Sung. Thanks for making this wonderful mosaic.

Take some time out and learn about what will make many a best of 2011 lists...


  1. Wow, that's a beautiful rainbow mandela. You two sure create some stunning work!

  2. I am so excited by another piece that will not be shown until it arrives in Colorado


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