
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Psalm 139 revisited by a goof-ass

calling spot

Psalm 139:  Verse 13:  You created my inmost self, knit me together in my mother's womb.

Several years ago, maybe 8 or so, I entered the Jesuit Center in Wernersville for my first 8 day retreat and was met with a note suggesting I read Psalm 139.  Verse 13 would bring out tears waiting over 30 years to emerge and I ranted at God for dropping a stitch when he created my urethra.

As this year's retreat neared an end, I told the director who I love, that I wanted to revisit the psalm.  and she said, "Yes, why not thank God for creating you as a goof-ass."

and thus I knew she had been listening to me earlier in the week.

so I did.

(the wall in the photo is where I break away from silence in the evening to say howdy to Mosaic Woman)


  1. I am so sorry for all the pain in your life, but so grateful that God created you, goof-ass and otherwise.

  2. Ditto what Robin said. But I don't think of you as a goof-ass at all. Even when you are trying to be funny! (And succeeding!)

  3. Robin--- I also thanked God for being one who loved jazz, color, flowers, strudel, ....

    Snowcatcher--- stop by for dinner some time. I like the term goof-ass, more serious than a goof-ball and kinder than a smart-ass


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