
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

wordless Wednesday: looking up, looking down digging the Sycamore

Sycamore Tree at Wernersville

Base of a Sycamore


  1. Love the textures and the whole looking up thing :-)

  2. You did it! You caught the sycamore. I am charmed by this tree more than any other, yet I have such a hard time capturing their beauty in photos. We have a very old and gnarly one on campus that is an adventure just to look at. And there is a huge one by my office that watches over us.

  3. The texture in that second shot is just out of this world. I'm trying to figure out if you used a filter on the first shot. Very effective, if so.

  4. Valerie--- I try my best to see things in interesting ways

    Ruth--- I am glad we have trees in common

    Snowcather--- no filter, I just hope for the best

  5. Hi Wayne--the best part of getting caught back up in blogland is seeing what friends there are up to. You have been busy! and mindful. I look forward to going back in time here to see more.

  6. Hey Lynn

    glad you stopped by, yes I have been a bit busy.


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