
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kickstarting The Grandson of Charles Mingus

cdcovers/charles mingus/mingus ah um.jpg
Photo by Jason Hickey

 A grandson who never knew his grandfather searched for the story.  You can help support this project and become part of the story.  What I know is that the story is complicated, so I am hoping the grandson gets to tell it in full.  He needs our support.  Common people supporting amazing projects.  It feels good.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, Wayne. It looks like a great project.

  2. Funny, I was just browsing his music yesterday . . .

    Thanks for bringing attention to this project.

  3. Valerie--- this is an ambitious goal, I hope he can make it

    Ruth--- Your welcome.

    Mingus has a huge reputation, would love to see what his grandson makes of it


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