
Friday, November 25, 2011

some thoughts of thankfulness

that for the first time in a few years we are not doing a craft show on "Buy Nothing Day."

that I am willing to buy something on buy nothing day.... I will be passing by Warner Stained Glass

that my mom makes pumpkin pies from scratch, which means she buys an actual pumpkin

that I have amazing clients, who show amazing trust in me, and so Di's red-tailed hawk needs some blue sky glass

that because I got the gumption to go to my 30th HS reunion I will be driving by Warner Glass

that very likely someone told Miles Davis that he had talent and inspired him to play a trumpet

that facebook has brought so many friends back into my life, including many of whom I will see at the reunion

that Mosaic Woman makes my lettering looks so good, as I prepare to take the above piece to the reunion

that there is a light that shines through our art

THANKSGIVING: for the light that shines through the glass


  1. Thankful to have met you and Margaret here on the internet, and for that incredible photo of the light coming through the trees.

  2. Robin, Di, and Valerie--- thanks for the kindness. The bottom photo is from the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA

  3. Very excellent reasons to be thankful

  4. Carrie--- Thanks to you and to a-z posts for introducing us


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