
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless, but drumming

practicing the art of spiritual drumming


  1. The timing on this is great-- for some reason, I've been thinking about asking you if you've been drumming over the last couple of weeks.

  2. I love black and white, and this photo shows exactly why. So much depth, so much feeling. Can almost hear the drumming...

  3. Wonderful shot. We have a drummer Matt Meyer coming to lead our worship service either this Sunday or next Sunday...not sure. I always enjoy his services.

  4. Ohhh, I can sense the rhythm...time to take my own drum down

  5. Di--- I have not been doing enough drumming lately, but I could change my behavior
    Snowcatcher--- sadly, I only turn to black and white when i don't dig the color version
    Barbara--- wish I was there to worship
    Christin-- thanks.


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