
Sunday, April 22, 2012

my worth as I see it, a reflection from the Silence

Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA
photo by Wayne Stratz

As the time with my spiritual director began I was telling her about this and that and the other thing, which was an experience we had at a show.  We had a great day of sales on Saturday followed by a Sunday when we had zero sales.  

So how is this connected to God.  maybe like this... Is my talent as an artist any less on a day we have no sales as compared to a day of amazing sales?  Am I not the same artist ...

Does God's love lessen on days that I ignore God, forget to be grateful to a stranger who does a good deed, fail to see opportunities to help others, lack compassion for a student in need of kindness.  Am I not the same child of God ... 


  1. *sigh*


    Grateful for your reminder.

    1. Di ~ I do believe that if we all keep reminding each other, that things just may be well

  2. It sounds as if grace glad you got to go, so sorry I couldn't be there!

    1. it was filled with grace, but then I felt wiped out for the rest of the week... leaving work at noon and returning to work at noon the next day may not be the best plan

  3. You remain the conduit through which God's love is manifest into His world - the day of the week, the number of customers, the money that changes hands, doesn't in any fashion reduce that reality.

    However, sharing that unique vision "out amongst 'em", in the dynamics of the real world.. can certainly drain your energy! Relax and give your energy reservoir a little time to refill and renew - delivering all that light into so many lives is the why of you.

  4. This is something we all get to experience, one way or another. I reminds me of the readings I do at bookstores where at one place the store will be packed, at another it's sometimes the sales clerks and maybe a few book browsers curious enough to sit down and listen. Sometimes it's hard not to feel discouraged. Perhaps you've driven miles to get to this event and it bombed. You are disappointed, the bookstore owner is disappointed. The publisher is disappointed. It helps to remember that at his death, Jesus's life was considered a failure. We are always and everywhere God's beloved children.

    1. Beryl--- let us both try not to spend energy in an attempt to figure out the rhyme and reason behind the ebb and flow; and just keep enjoying the moment we are blessed to be experiencing


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