
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Drawing Cards again and again

warm collection of cards
Wayne Stratz
My Lenten practice of drawing cards has led to new directions besides my surprise gifts at work.  Mosaic Woman has printed out the names and addresses of the 144 people, who not only gave us their e-mails but also provided things like their house number and zip code.  And there I go counting by 21's again and sending out surprise gifts  from the local post office.  Want to be on the list... sign up here (form is on the right above the floating testimonials).

At a recent craft show a friend showed up and wondered why I had shown up with none of my cards for sale.  So moving in that direction I decided to place something on etsy.  Do you know someone who could use one of my cards of hope or joy or love or peace?

... check out my listing and I will draw one especially with them in mind and spirit.


  1. Are you going to take a few to the craft shows?

  2. Hi. me gusta esto!

    greetings pc.

  3. I am so glad you started doing cards! This adds a wonderful dimension for your amazing artwork!

  4. Your cards are wonderful! I have your new one posted into my last retreat journal, and as I was re-organizing some things in the living room the other day, I looked up and realized that I have a Wayne card in one of the windows. And I have one that looks like fire in a clear frame (so the light comes through it) by my bed. It's a great joy to find your cards slipped under a retreat house door or in a package with a mosaic.


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