
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Of quarks and atoms and morels

The other week Mosaic Woman and I heard a story on NPR about quark ... So she made it. Today as I stayed in the booth at the Lansdale farmers market, she walked home with ingredients to keep me out of restaurants and in the kitchen. Including the first time morels entered our house. So quark and morel... Simple and elegant.

Mosaic Woman found me this article on quark which claims those mysterious particles that come together to form protons and such, were named after the substance in my dinner. Now how cool is that.


  1. cool! and something I didn't know....

    1. I will let Margaret know that it was new to you

  2. Replies
    1. It may have been a once in a lifetime meal, who knows?

  3. i didn't see the story of the particle particulars. but, i saw a recipe. hope it was tasty.

    1. Nance, it was a brief mention near the bottom. Margaret has an eye for detail and a memory to pass such things on to me.

  4. Wow. Usually morels are exorbitantly priced. I tasted my first here at the farm some years ago. I've never eaten them any way but floured and sauteed, and they are heavenly.

    1. Margaret said WOW too. Sometimes a decision to buy is easier without seeing a price. Doubt if we buy them often, but am happy for the meal we had last night


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