
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Pug Commission

I met the Guardian of the pugs many years ago when I first entered the realm of group spiritual direction and was thrilled when she bought one of our Jazz signs, which resonated in both her love of the music and the name of her elder pug.  When I delivered that Jazz sign, we spoke of a pug mosaic.  

I surely did not move quickly on it and when I did finally face the idea of putting Jazz the pug on a mosaic, I had some second thoughts.  I sent an e-mail suggesting that mosaic may not be the best way to go, but my friend had faith in me.  And I ventured into the project.  Yes, dear friends and clients it is your faith in our ability that helps us take on commissions.  There are artists who refuse to do them, but for now we love being pushed into new realms by the desires of our clients.  Even realism (Di's Hawk and Snowcatcher's lizard paved the way)

When Mosaic Woman grouted the mosaic, I thought that I had some how pulled it off.  

So it came to the time to take another mosaic over to our friend's house.  She loved it.  And if you can trust her ability to get Jazz's thoughts down in writing, this blog post shows Jazz is OK with it, even if humans still baffle her.  By the way, a bonus for checking out the blog post is to see me hanging out with Jazz, whose head is tilted as she ponders us humans.


  1. It's funny how Jazz's head tilts ever so slightly in the mosaic, just like in the photo of you and Jazz together... very sweet.

    1. Valerie ~ it was the angle of the head in the photograph.

  2. Our pug Olive gives this two paws up and I have to agree. Excellent work!

  3. Jazz the pug is so cute! I love the mosaic, Jaz was captured beautifully!

    1. Carol ~ no one will argue with you about Jazz being cute. Thanks!

  4. I, too, was humored by the tilt of the head, especially after seeing photos with you and the tilted head Jazz! Wonderful rendition!

    1. Snowcatcher ~ yes, the contemplative look made the mosaic

    2. Snowcatcher ~ yes, the contemplative look made the mosaic


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