
Monday, October 15, 2012

Walking with God ~ Day by Day, Creatively Keeping The Hours

Lyrics don't have to be complicated
as seen at my church
A week or so before I left for the retreat I began a novel that is broken into sections called such things as Matins, Lauds, Terce, Compline.  Who knew it was preparing my soul for the workshops I chose.

The first workshop was based on a book by Marney K. Makridakis would love if we could create time by viewing it not as our enemy (fill in negative phrase here... killing time, comes to mind) but as something we are immersed within as our life flows into creation.  That is my take on the book, which I have not read.   I took this workshop because I knew I would be given colors to play with.   I drew something, which I gifted so it is not to bee seen here.  

My second workshop of the weekend was on keeping the hours, which though I wanted to drum, called me a bit stronger.  I got to hear a great story in the process about how my friend came to dig Martha while she was in silence.

What I drew was my abstract take on my soul stretching out to God at six times during the day.  So now let me get creative with my time and create some hours to keep.

Awakening time... between 6 and 7:00 a.m. 

Prep period time... 10:00 a.m.

Lunch break time... Noon

Preparing for the commute home time... 3:30 p.m. or later

After Dinner time... between 6 and 7:00 p.m. 

Examen time... 9:21 p.m. 

Now how to fill those first five times.  one could be reading a Psalm, and another to be imaginative while reading Matthew since our Bible study is examining the book this fall, one to sit with the prayer chain list and see who I am led to pray for, maybe one just to be quiet and breathe with God.  

So how about the fifth... any thoughts?


  1. Maybe you should pick up the colors and draw in/with/for God?

    1. slapping head gently, saying DUHHHH silently , and smiling splendidly

    2. :) Happy to help....enjoyed contemplating your cross today as I waited for my director. The colors are lovely against the fall backdrop!

  2. Good idea from Michelle.

  3. Gosh, I don't think I've heard that song since... Thank you for the sweet memories! Your six-times-a-day reminds me of a similar quest I undertook many years ago, too.

    1. Snowcatcher ~ not sure where this quest will take me, but it seems like a move in the right direction. Glad you dug the tune

  4. Intrigued by the book and the hours appeals to me also. But now I'll be hearing Day by Day all day today! Ha! At least it's not It's a Small World.

    1. Daisy ~ hope some new tunes are flowing inside your head


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