
Friday, January 4, 2013

2012, just thinking about it tired me out

The year began doing a bunch of special pieces for our exhibit at Pebble Hill Church

The other day we were driving to my parents and we began thinking about 2012.  I thought, "I should be exhausted."  The next morning I woke up sick and am still recovering.

some of the highlights from the first half  of 2012 in no particular order except how blogger chose to do it ~ 

my first and currently only Hex sign mandala,
inspired on one of my silent times with the Jesuits
I set up a place on etsy for my cards of Hope.
The commissions that flowed in have been amazing. 
My parents commissioned
peace, hope, and love
from us and it looks great
in their living room.
Margaret was commissioned to make
another bowling ball
In June we stopped at The Corning Museum of Glass
 after several nights of jazz in Rochester with our friends
crazy early tulips
after a crazy warm winter
which left us crazy gardeners
wondering what the heck is going on here
The Hippo Project ~
it sounded like a practical joke
but it emerged from the studio and is in California
The Angel Wings ~
another of those places
only clients could take us in 2012
Margaret started collaborating with
our friend, Suzanne Halstead.  
We celebrated our 20th anniversary with a trip to see
Jane Ira Bloom, a favored sax player


  1. keep on blooming :-)
    speedy recovery to you.

    1. Nance ~ every morning seems more stable and thus the walls are not spinning like the first morning

  2. Hope that you're feeling better and productive again soon.

    1. Valerie ~ thanks. Not fully recovered yet, but improving

  3. I hope you are back at 100% now and able to do even more beautiful work in 2013!

    1. Snowcatcher ~ today I was feeling more like myself. Thanks.


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