
Thursday, February 14, 2013

news on no news: Pierce Pettis follows Patty Griifin

and so it (no news for Lent) began on Ash Wednesday as I headed off to work with no NPR.  Patty Griffin singing about those times when emotional rains storm down upon us.  

Yes, I am curious as to what is happening in the world, but I'm Ok with visits from voices from my past.  Last night one of my best friends from college came over for pizza.  900 miles he travelled for that meal, well, not really.  But after a day of business in Philly working on how to help people own their own homes, he drove out to the suburbs so I could feed him and see his face.  It was the first time I had seen his face in 26 years.  So no news from NPR, but plenty of news from my friend.

Today I grabbed a Pierce Pettis CD and headed out to scrape some snow off the car to head to work and tried to remember:
"Oh, everything matters
If anything matters at all
Everything matters
No matter how big, no matter how small
Oh, God believes in you
God believes in you"


  1. Just hanging on, and listening to God believes in you play in my ear.

    1. Nance ~ you are way overdue for feeling well. Hope you get there soon


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