
Friday, February 8, 2013

RevGals Five ~ Sneaky and other thoughts

numbers 15 to 21 in my
Wisdom Series

this Friday the Revgals take us here ~ 

Who knew it was the Second Friday of the month?   
Thank goodness something reminded me, but my apologies for the late post.  I have been busy getting ready for Blizzard Nemo (really, 24 inches in Boston?  Why on earth don't I have a snow blower???) and pondering life transitions--oh, but enough about me.  

How about you?  

1) What is sneaking up on you, and what have you been 
thinking about? 

Mosaic Woman and I will have our first show the first weekend in March.  Three weeks to the Owen J Roberts show.  Are we ready to get started again?  We are ready for the chocolate cake served in the cafe.  

2)  What will you have for lunch today?

Lunch was typical for me.  Peanut Butter and some tasty jam on whole wheat, yogurt, and corn chips.   

3)  If you were to get snowed in for two days, and you need to hunker down, what essentials and treats would you store up?

Water for sure.  How about some bread and pastries from some local bakeries.  I think we could survive. 

4) Tell me a story about one awesome thing you have experienced in the last couple of weeks.

At school my students and I experimented with taking a variety of ways to takes cuttings from a begonia.  It worked successfully no matter which way we did it.  The most amazing ones were the ones we placed in water.  One leaf on a long stem.  When we fished them out this week, the roots were nice to see.  But the ring of tiny gem like leaves emerging from the stem right above those roots was a splendid sight indeed.
5)  What is your favorite office supply to splurge on? (now 
THAT is random, right?)

Sharpies, which I used to design my coloring pages.


  1. I just realized I never sent you what I was supposed to send you! Guess this was a reminder sneaking up on me.

    1. Robin ~ I was going to ask if it had been sent. I am looking forward to what it will create.

  2. I see by your photo that you have been busy.
    Us west coasters are waiting to see how much white stuff you all get.

    1. Nance ~ not much snow for us. So glad 24 inches can be quite a bugger.

  3. I love your coloring pages!!! And the rooting of begonias.

  4. Mary Beth ~ I am glad you are enjoying the coloring pages. I will be handing those begonias out to students.

  5. Love your coloring pages especially! Have a great weekend :)

    1. Thanks Martha ~ I also like my designs more than peanut butter, but too be honest both have been a part of my being for decades

  6. I am guessing it is design #20...but the third on on the bottom row really draws me in. Thanks for sharing those initial sketches.

    1. Purple ~ you are not alone in enjoying that design. In fact it is one of the few I have colored in myself.

  7. how exciting about your upcoming show! and oh, I remember rooting begonias from my grandmother... thanks for those great memories. Blessed Lent to you and Mosaic Woman!

    1. RiverSong ~ I sometimes lack enthusiasm for shows, your comment reminded me to be enthusiastic. Thanks. I am glad that my words took you to a good place

  8. Love those coloured Sharpies! Office supply stores tempt me almost as much as art stores....

    I always enjoy listening to the music you post. Thanks for those Wayne.

    1. Daisy ~ glad you enjoy the music. May be posting a lot during lent


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