
Monday, March 18, 2013

No News Commutes is about being on the road with James Keelaghan

Been wearing out a James Keelaghan CD lately as I continue with no news during Lent. I will likely switch it out tomorrow. This song reminded me that I am thankful for a relative short commute and a job that does not take me away from home, away from love.
Musicians are a brave lot. They take a chance to survive doing what they love to do, but in the process find themselves far from their home, their love. Next time a favored musician rolls into my area, may I be ever grateful for the sacrifice being made.


  1. As of late, i have car traveled with silence. I sometimes find my hand reaching out to turn on the radio in a jerk reflex kind of way, and i stop in mid-poke. It's an adventure.

    1. Nance ~ I have been fighting Turing on the news, but the music keeps me away

    2. I wonder. Do you see any difference in your life with this change to musical traveling?

    3. Nance ~ I have noticed a sense of calm. Thinking more

  2. Well said. I love how hearing a favorite song come on the radio can just make my whole day!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. Valerie ~ that is so true. It is a day maker to be given a favorite tune


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