
Friday, April 19, 2013

Q is for Queens ~ The A to Z of One Word Messages

background by Margaret Almon
Lettering by Wayne Stratz
 One of the more interesting commissions we have received at Nutmeg Designs was for six place names.  Fortunately for me one started with a Q. I can't say Queens is a one word message to me, but to many it will be. What one word takes you somewhere? 

Margaret has been blogging an A to Z of places that mean something to her.  Some are more than one word.  Some of them are places special to her from before I met her.  But some are names of places that bring back a flood of memories to both of us (plus she has been scanning some classic photos).  


Philadelphia Mosaic Sign
background by Margaret Almon
Lettering by Wayne Stratz


  1. Texas. :-)

    I am not arrogant about being from Texas or anything. It's just that I have spent all but 3 years of my life here, and it is all I've known.I am fourth or fifth generation Texan, and when I think about the state, I think about the fact that the land changes so much within one huge state. I have lived in South Texas, West Texas, and North Central Texas. I have frequently visited East Texas. If you're bored, drive in the other direction and the landscape will change. And the weather changes frequently within the same season. :)

  2. Queen means a variety of things to me when first reading this post: a deck of cards, the borough of Queens in NY, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth.

    I worked on a mosaic project at one of the local schools and it was a lot of fun but I didn't continue with that art form as the years went by. Still, I do appreciate viewing nice mosaic works!

    2013 A to Z Co-Host

  3. I don't know what my word would be. Maybe "family."

    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. There is a beautiful subalpine flower called Queen's Crown, and that was the first thing I thought of. Then I thought of Kate Middleton... :)

  5. Wendy ~ Margaret's Dad grew up in Port Author and her mom in El Paso ~ talk about different worlds/biomes
    Nicole ~ thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts.
    Bob ~ very kind of you to say
    Dana ~ thanks for playing along
    Snowcatcher ~ glad I created some fine thoughts in your brain.


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