
Monday, April 22, 2013

S is for Serenity ~ the A to Z of One Word Messages

Would I have ever chosen serenity? It wasn't likely. Nothing against it, but it was not in my idea list. It is a word I almost never use. Do you? 

But my friend, Robin chose it as her word for 2013 and commissioned a stained glass piece, not a mosaic as we do most words these days.

Today is Earth Day and I was celebrating success stories with my students.  Rivers cleaned.  Birds returned. And an Iraqi man who returned to a country he had fled many years ago, to find the wetlands he loved drained. When he spoke of being a young boy on his father's boat, he used the word serenity. Then he dreamed.

My mind listened and then roamed. Maybe this is a calling to return to nature paths I love and the flowing water that soothes my soul. 


Where would you go to find it? 

This is where Azzam Alwash's dream led...


  1. in the serenity
    of a boy's heart
    a dream planted
    growing as he grew
    into the man

    1. Nance ~ you made my day when you sent this my way!

  2. I'd go out in the woods, I think. I grew up on fifteen acres of land, much of it woods, and I miss the walks I used to take among the trees and the wildlife. Now I live in the city, and we have one tree in our smallish yard. It's not exactly the most peaceful place: traffic sounds, sirens, people yelling... Yes, I think I'd go out to the woods. I find a lot of inspiration for my writing there.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday.

    1. Dana ~ May you have many splendid moments in the woods

  3. A coffeehouse. :) Not necessarily a Starbucks, but one of the 'Mom and Pop' type where you can sip your coffee and read or talk or just sit and think. The smell of coffee and maybe a bakery and it feels like a refuge for awhile.

    1. Wendy ~ I have found refuge in similar places

  4. To the garden, or maybe a quiet beach... "serenity" is one of those beautiful of my other favorites is "soar"...

  5. I'd go just about anywhere but work. :) But I'm not complaining! Work makes it possible for me to seek serenity in beautiful places!

    1. Snowcatcher ~ hope some serenity can flow into your work place ;')


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