
Sunday, April 28, 2013

X is for Xenial ~ the a to z of one word messages

As of yet we have not on our own or by way of commission created an X mosaic sign, but maybe Xenial would be a fine place to start. It is all about welcoming strangers. Being xenophobic means to be fearful of the new, the strange. If you are truly xenial you offer a gift.

While it may be nice if 100% of the people who entered our booth were friends, the truth is most are strangers to us. Do we gift them all with a smile, a friendly welcome, a gratitude that they are taking the time to examine our art?



  1. Stratoz,

    I love that word! Xenial.

    On another blog, the topic was xenophobia. And I like the blog, it is very philosophical. But anyway, I love that there is a derivative word? that means the opposite. I am definitely learning new words through this challenge. I just have to remember to use them in a sentence so that I'll retain them. :)

    Wow, I love the art in your photo. I especially like the flower with the green background. Very nice!

  2. Great word. I've been seeing a lot of xenophobia for X posts so it's not to see the opposite discussed.

  3. Sure, beautiful art, (in the form of mosaics), and a smile shall be a good start with a stranger.

    I didn't know the word until now ... had read many xenophobia articles, and I'm glad there's a sort of antidote out there, as far as words are concerned.

    Good being here.

    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

  4. I love new and strange! I also used to create mosaic art and sell it at festivals. Great post!

  5. I pledge to be more xenial in the future! Great word!

  6. Great word choice . X is always a tough letter for me during the challenge

  7. Excellent word for X day. I will try to be ore xenial myself.

  8. Great new word for my vocabulary, and thank you for that challenge to plant a smile for all who come within seeing range. That's such good advice!


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