
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Being Greeted

The best thing about the commute is the greeting that happens when it is over. On Friday I stepped out of my car to the sight of a most splendid tulip. By the time I had made it to the porch, a second tulip called out for some attention ~
Then there is Bobo, who belongs to my neighbor. Bobo has been greeting us for years. Saying "Bobo" is just plain fun. You never know how Bobo will respond. On this occasion Bobo yawned ~
Once the flowers and cat have greeted me, it is time to get the business news. Mosaic Woman has been running the business and over a cup of coffee, she gets me caught up with any news. Then I get to step inside her studio to see what progress has emerged ~


  1. I like watching Mosaic Woman's mosaic bloom via time lapse photography!

  2. Love the cat! And very nice sign. :)

  3. The flowers are gorgeous! Y'all should use them as inspiration for a design.

    It's so cool to hear that you might be teaching contronyms to your English students.


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