
Friday, June 7, 2013

Infrequent Activities ~ hair cuts for Locks of Love and handling jump ropes

I came home, threw most of my hair on the porch and took a photo of this Dancing Lady before going inside our two studio row.

All in all I would guess my hair was shortened by 15 inches. It's still long.

So there I was helping out at our track and field and fun day, counting how many successful jumps were being made over the jump rope in my hand (60 was tops) when I realized I handled jump ropes infrequently, but more frequently than getting my haircut.

Four haircuts in 14 years since I first began to grow my hair out. I miss it. I love the easier showers.



  1. thanks for donating to locks of love; and yes, your hair still is long and healthy. I used to love jump roping with the afternoon after school girls clubs when I served in inner city Boston--I even learned to jump doubles! Peace!

    1. River song ~ thanks for the visit. I am getting used to it being shorter, but not quite fully acclimated.

  2. It's still long enough to stay off your neck in the warmer summer weather... to me that's the main thing!

  3. Good for you contributing to Locks for Love! I imagine it was hard to cut your hair. I keep mine pretty short because I don't like to mess with it, but any change is hard to deal with.


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