
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Delighted: Alice Munro wins the Nobel Prize for Literature

Back in the day, a biology professor handed me a book of short stories by Raymond Carver. It may have been the first collection of stories I ever read. I was hooked. Two years later, I met Mosaic Woman, who introduced me to many things Canadian.

There was a writer of short stories in that introduction, Alice Munro. Her stories amazed me. Someone once said that Munro did not have to write novels because she could get more into a short story than what is found in many novels.

I have at times searched through fiction settings in libraries and bookstores for stories. I find novels and novels and novels... and then at some point a collection of stories. The pressure must be intense. Forget stories. Write novels. Munro just kept writing stories and that impressed me.

So, I was delighted. An author, who tells stories in short splashes of color and who reminds me of those glorious days of falling into love with Margaret, was on the news. Good news indeed reached my spirit as I commuted this morning.



  1. Lovely post. I like how you describe her work as "short splashes of color."

  2. I heard this news last night as I relaxed after a looooong day (and week actually) at work. She's 82 now.
    Thanks for reminding me about short stories, Wayne. Forgot how much I enjoyed those.

  3. I like your point about short stories. They can be hard to find. Nice post!


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