
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The 12 Days of Christmas Shout Outs: Ken Doyle for day one

In the past 40 days, I blogged one time. I thought this blog just might have died and it might be on its way. But I had a thought and decided to make something of it. 12 days of Christmas, 12 shout outs.

And why not start with a friend I met while blogging in the early days of Stratoz. I now know Ken via other social media and I know a few things about him, but what has been clear from the beginning is that the man loves to write. I knew if his words were ever published, I would take the time to read them and I am glad that I did. His collection of stories took me into the people of Bombay and I met characters who filled me with hope for their future. Ken took me places, which I will likely never see and far from anything I have ever experienced. It was a wise choice to take the journey and it delights me that he has received positive reviews on goodreads. Keep writing.



  1. Thank you for continuing to follow the journey!

    1. Ken ~> hoping that many read your stories and that you write many more for us to read.

  2. I'm glad you're back to posting, Wayne. Mr. Doyle's book certainly looks interesting. I've always been fascinated with India, its places and people.

    1. Walktowrite ~> yes, the 12 shouts has gotten me back to blogging. We will see where I leads. Thanks for being part of the journey.


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