
Friday, July 3, 2015

Jesuit Center on Fridays 1: Prayer Beads

my hand, my prayer beads by Wayne Stratz

And so it begins: a weekly series of images and thoughts from seven days of Silence at the Jesuit Center in Wernersvile, PA

I have never taken so many photos, and while over half have been weeded away, many remain for now in my photos. Shortly before I left for my retreat, I asked friends on Facebook, "What would you take on a silent retreat?"

"Meditation Beads," came from my friend who heads up TheSpaceForGrace. So I dug about and found these collecting dust since I made them years ago.

My friend, Deborah, would agree that to go deeper into an understanding of our faith is a call made by several spiritual masters. Ignatius called people to repeat an exercise to go deeper. For two years I have been praying my seven desires, but when I used the beads and made one complete trip for each desire, the prayer went deeper. I would apply there use again and again as the silence continued.

So thanks Deborah for a fine suggestion, which led to the first photos of the retreat.

my prayer beads by Wayne Stratz

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