
Thursday, July 9, 2015

TBT 1985: Talking Heads were a fave

Talking Heads: Little Creatures; photo by Wayne Stratz
I have had a series of favorite bands over the years and the band that topped the list when I entered college at Grove City was not there when I graduated from East Stroudsburg. The Talking Heads were one of the bands I dug the most when I was at ESU. I grabbed this from the LP's that still linger in my possession. Ironically this was not one of my favorite LP's by the Talking Heads and it is hard to pick a tune as apparently it is not filled with songs I loved back in the day.

Maybe Road to Nowhere or And She Was.

"The world was moving and she was right there with it..." 

Sounds like what the Jesuit told me that led to my tagline: "The worst sin is to not be aware of being part of an unfolding universe." 

We are part of time and space. As the universe unfolds into new space and time, we unfold along with it. Apparently in 1985 I was unfolding with The Talking Heads. Oh my...

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